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Thrift Stores: The Hidden Gems for the Broke Fashionista.

What if I told you, you can look like this:

and this:

when you have a budget like this?

In our modern age of social media, influencers are seen as the gospel truth; they constantly “preach” to their millions of followers, what to eat, where to go, what to watch and especially what to wear. These loyal followers then feel that the only way to look like their favorite influencers is to spend like them (even though most are through sponsorships) but let’s face it, the hottest trends don’t come cheap. Since the dawn the runway, the term ‘fashion’ has been associated with ‘high end luxury’ which is just another fancy way for saying ‘expensive’. Consumers have wrapped themselves so much into the idea that in order to look ‘fashionable’ they have to throw the bank out the window in order to meet the demand of these ever-evolving trends. The individuals who often see themselves falling into this trap are the young aspiring stylists and fashionistas that cannot even afford to keep up with said trends.

Influencers have become the mold everyone wants to fit in.

In reality however, is not set in stone that in order for someone’s outfit to look good, the person must spend a ludicrous amount of money. So, how can someone achieve the ability to look like they stepped straight out of New York fashion week when their bank account looks like a postcard of the Great Depression? – The answer? Thrift Stores. For many, thinking ‘thrift store’, “trendy” and “fashionable” would be the last words they would associate with a place that has the negative connotation of selling “used dead people’s clothes”. Oh, but nothing could be further from the truth…

Me looking for where it says you have to spend a lot to look good.

“I'll wear your granddad's clothes I look incredible I'm in this big-ass coat from that thrift shop down the road” - Macklemore

Why you as an aspiring fashionista should go thrifting now.

Wallet Friendly

Thrifting is making an intelligent financial move.

Thrift stores are the hidden gems of the fashion scene that often go by untapped. It’s understandable how thrift stores may go under the radar; as they carry a stigma for being “cheap” which doesn’t ring “glitzy and glamorous”. However, a true fashionista with an eye will walk into a thrift store knowing that ‘cheaper’ doesn’t mean lower in quality according to fashionable standards. When visiting these gems, it’s not just about buying clothes, it’s about making an intelligent financial move. By thrifting you’re able to create and stick to a budget while making the most of it. Take 100 dollars for example, at the mall or fancy shop in Soho, it would be spent entirely on one item. Now, take this same 100 to a thrift store and you’ll see it stretch enough to buy yourself a few outfits! And often than not, among the surplus of merchandise, novelty items can be found, such as vintage Dior, Channel and Ralph Lauren for a fraction of the retail price.

PS: When thrift stores hold sales, that $100 bill evaluates itself to $200!

The Freedom

Free expression is one the biggest keys to stylizing an outfit.

Thrift stores are not set brand chains, rather a potpourri of miscellaneous pre-worn items, so, as an aspiring fashionista you will come in not knowing exactly what you’ll walk into. Having no expectations gives more room for freedom and more freedom will mean honestly expressing yourself stylistically. Free expression is one of the biggest keys to stylizing an outfit. When you have no ties to one specific brand that carries a certain number of items, you’re not bound to conform. Thrift stores carry within themselves endless possibilities for any style enthusiast to play around with. So, in a way, thrift stores are giant playgrounds to play dress up in.

The Uniqueness

Take more risks, be bolder and stand out.

Don’t you just hate it when you go to a party and see someone else with the same dress as you and you end up having a “Bitch stole my look!” moment? Well that’s one of the things you can automatically avoid by thrift shopping. Because thrift stores carry unique one of a kind items, the chances of you running into someone with the same outfit as you are like a white rapper who dyed his hair yellow…slim. Thrift stores are a safe haven for individuals who love to stand out and go against the grain. Thrifting and uniqueness go hand in hand, and when you as a fashionista focus more on what makes you stand out rather than what’s trending, you’ll be turning heads and making the scene. A thrift store is the place for a fashionista to take more risks, be bolder, and break away from the cookie cutter mold that have been set by standard trends.

Supports the Locals

Thrifting means supporting a community as a whole.

When entering a thrift store, not only you’re coming in to find fashionable treasures, the act of walking into the building alone is a tremendous support system for the small business. Just like other local businesses, small locally owned thrift shops breathe into the economy of the towns they’re located in. By shopping in these stores, it results in the pumping of their proceeds back into their local economy. Fueling the economy, allows store owners to create more jobs, hire more employees and pay better wages. By doing your part as a consumer, you’re supporting a system that improves the community as a whole. Also, by shopping at a local thrift store, you will be helping the business stay afloat the massive competitive ocean of retail commerce. The longevity of the small thrift shop means lower prices over a longer period of time. This act of helping local shops keep your coveted fashion pieces at a low price which in turn, benefits your own wallet!

Eco Friendly

Looking good while saving the planet one garment at a time.

Every year, the fashion industry is responsible for emitting one of the largest carbon footprints in the world. Millions of disposed clothing garments wind up in landfills, billions of cubic meters of water are consumed and polluted with the dying of fabric and the greenhouse gas emission percentage keep increasing at an alarming rate. Even though it may not cross your mind, but as you walk through the endless isle of thrifty items, as you pick and choose, you’re actively partaking in a sustainable and ecofriendly activity. Thrift shopping is a win-win situation, buying pre-owned items and donating your own allowing someone else to buy them actively restarts a cycle that reduces the polluting footprint of fast fashion and utilizes less energy.

In Conclusion

Thrifting truly is a win-win situation.

Thrift stores should no longer be overlooked, instead they should be utilized by aspiring fashionistas. Being a thrifty fashionista isn’t just about looking good but also feeling good knowing that you’re not only tapping into your unique sense of style but also contributing to a cause that helps local businesses and the environment all while saving a couple of Benjamins at the same time.

Most importantly, always remember, being a true fashionista is about the lifestyle, not just the price tag.

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